What does 2016 and 2017 mean for NJ?

Right now it’s May 2016 and all eyes are on the presidential primaries  and November general election.  Next year here in NJ, we will be facing a 2017 governor’s race along with a new set of primaries for our locally elected officials. As many already know, there are important issues and factors at stake that will shape the course of what public policies will affect our service delivery for years to come.

So what is truly at stake?

Is it our choice to elect who we truly believe will carry the banner for what we value and care about?  Or is this just another time where many of us simply vote, go back home and let the those who don’t hold the same interest as the everyday person run away with how our public services are delivered and implemented.  The choice is ours and we have an opportunity to help establish the agenda and what that will ultimately look like.

James Lavor Thompson

James Lavor Thompson

James Lavor Thompson is an organizing and strategic campaign professional who seeks to implement his understanding of public policy, union external organizing, and issue campaigning to become an asset to a mission based organization. He has over 10 years of experience in political and community organizing.  Mr. Thompson has led various campaigns in Southern New Jersey, New England, Atlanta, GA; Philadelphia, PA; North Carolina, and many other cities in the United States.

He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from West Virginia University.  His hobbies include cooking and gardening. Currently, he resides in New Jersey with his wife and two children.